Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A Happy Couple
So True..

HM,i went to Imran House to mit hys mom den we wen to the wet & dry market..Blahh3..Haa,,dy step aek tlg mak dy angkat gr0ceries...
U make miie piukke Imran.I mish Apiiz SoO much laa...miie and Apiiz lyke a hepy couple tuu miie & tuu pap Imran,miie and Imran iz a hepy couple..Idk laRh..P/S:papa purlese jgn pakse adeq n biar adeq uat decision sendiry.
What does a Hepy couple do?

*They spend tymee together.
*THEY hug n kiss.
*do all sort off nauti tings.
*do text miie at least twice a dae
*help miie wen im in difficulty..

Den,, I wen hmee at ard 2 mecg my dearrer.But soo sadd hee leave miie alone c0x hee follow hys fwen lpk...haiz...
S0o sadd kann!!!
So0 i mecg my bezfwen,Shah,and mecg Rudy but Rudy was working...
S0o im juz mecging Shah.
I asked Shah which of which to choose.Den he said choose Hafiz since he still love miee.
Den i cried and I said I'LL CONSIDER WHICH.
I tot of leaving Hafiz ALL alone coz I tot hee was juz playing trick on miee.
Lastly,Shah asked miee to think twice on which t0 ch00se...>>>
I choose Hafiz...

tOO,MATMAT YG SMLM nmpk otw hme,I juz dun lyke people hafin' e attitude of matmat...
S0o to badd I nvr accept u all...And to Denial,jgan fliRt gan aqu lehh taq.Geli tawuu taq??!!
Skaters ii <3>