Tuesday, June 23, 2009
For the past three days,my friend sleep at my house.Hahaha.FUNNEH!!we did lotz of fun stuff like watch tv,eat,go watch KUDE KEPANG & moree..errr,haha.Not that Fun actually.,Todaay actualy I'm suppose to go to The Palm Park to have a cheering competition rehersal but sadly,I overslept.&&,SURELY,all my fwens will scold miiie...LOLxx.Thiz iz wad happen when you slept late everyday.,.Wagagagah!(><)Err,my guy was pweety angry laa cox my fwen sleep wif miie.HEEZ!Since today I never go to the rehersal,I do my homeworks..Psst,.Errm,to Muhammad Hafiz,I think I already don't have the feelings towards you...
Let miie tell you what miie and my fwen did for the past three days in my house..
1st daAy<20>?.I tot of going to the Siloso Beach Party at Sentosa but turn up that i meet my fwen.WE watch KUDE KEPANG together with my fwen..Herr name iz Dewi..To bored then I got a call from a taxi.SAYING:Your phone iz with miie.Yayah..Cox I left my phone in the taxi day before it.Then go to my house and get to know my cousins invite my fwen to sleep thre..Den i reject but my fwen accept.Wahaz.So,we went in and watch Tv together..Ohh my den my fwen so call fall in love with my cousin..Izi3!I hate thiz part ryte here!!!!Den watch my lil cousin play hiz xbox.Damn Dizzy!Hahaxx!Den we mit my fwen for a while then wen home and sleep...
2nd daay<21>?I was bored and there iz no oone at home so,I invite my fwen to my house again..(><)We did the same thing but after we mit,we went to FarEastPlaza shopping..Errm,quite Fun,cox I get to mit MY elder cousin.My fwen respect my elder cousin seyhh..HAHA!Den sleep late ard 3a.m..Den in the morning,I woke my fwen up but he don't want to wake up.Haiyoh!
3rd Daay<22>?.hMM,my cousin were out and Im alone at home again.my fwen wants to come sooo I meet up with hymm again..Yahh,tatz all.Ohh,yah I fell in love wif hymm..Byee!!
I mish you !I mish you!I mish you!I mish you!I mish you!I mish you!I mish you!
Nora Fidora love Muhamad Noh Rasyid.We are happily together since 100811'.I ♥ him so much and I hope that he will always be mine..
I want to love him ike drug..Bay, i SAYANG youhh..heh!<3 The first day I saw him ,I fell in ♥ already..Pfft..
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