Few days had gone..and I felt sick...Not sick with anithink but myself..haizz.,,BORED!hmm,i dunno wad had i done wrong ..but i know it iz somethiq wrong..I had no idea why tiz few days i felt as if I've made guy fallen for mie but I knw that I did nothiq...it felt awkward...guys after guys I m juz sick of you guys...It made miee felt weirder if a guy get injured falling for miee.Zulfadly:Im seriusli sorry for what i've done even I did nothiq wrong..i guess you sud haf a great resting tyme without miie..everybody say that you're my ex..even Khai..but have i ever be your ex b4?But i kindda miss you...Get well soon yahh.Today,i will be going to skwel soon..Juz cant get some sleep cause thinking bout somethiq..lelaki misteri i wannea know hu are you really are yahh..=Phezz..
Updated by BBy noraa..
To Apiiz,,imy lotzz!