Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Haizz,to passerbyH ,ek jgn laa kau tuu pun narq prasan...Aqu taq semestinyer refering tuhh you..And ku tauh laa kauw tuhh pumpn and jgn naq act lelaki!MotherFucker kauw taq ajar tauladan pehh???Kenee spam2?Waklupunyalaki!!Seytan..Gyle Maha Gyler!!

To my other blog readers,haizz,peeplo nowadaes lovess to spam others blog...Haaha.They think it FUN but let miie highlight to you guys..If you spam others,wud you like when other MotherFucker spam your blog???I don't think soo..Hmm,to the spammer,You have noo fucking idiotik lyfe to spam!!Nak kater aqu prasan?Go ahead laa..Aqu pon tk uker lakaki yg prasan...Blueekkkk!!

No Lyfe!!

I warn the others not to SPAM!!haha hatee spammers!!Malas nark layan budak2 NO LYFE!!Hahax today I never wen skwel got major headaches..haizz..hmm,hate sick!I Y hymm..wakakaka!i HATES SMOKERS YAHH BTW..z

.bby noraa.