Saturday, August 29, 2009
My day suck..
When Alexandra Hospital..
Hmph,waited for 3 hours there..
While waiting,saw 3 hensem peramadics..
hm,den doctor said I got synuse sickness..
I felt lyke giving up!!
Isn't it great if I_____.
I miss my friends in school.
Haiz surely my teacher thought that I was absent because I'm not sick..
Being regconise as Nora is HARD..
I always have problems when he is not by my side.
But sometimes he creates problems..
I miss him a lot. ,
When can I ever not had any problems?
Why must I suffer?
I rather choose dying than to suffer these way..
I wish to go to school on Monday..
My head is currently damn pain..
To my sayang,I'm pretty sick yahh..
Khayy2 can't type lott..
toot teet!!