Am I still loving him or not?Why am I soo jelous over a little thing?Is this what we call
LOVE?hmph,well,I am in deep sorrow right now and I do not know why..Maybe I am still loving him.But is he even still loving me.Hmm,let me ponder..I don't think sooo.If he do love me,why just can't he understand my feeling.He knew that I am a fragile girl whom is ego enough.Well,I am a girl that can't control my sense of EGOness.If someone that can,I will congrats him/her cause they are the ones who is not as fragile as me.Well,boy,find someone who is not as fragile as a glass yahh.That is easily get broken at times.I tried to understand him but why can't he just understand me.I ain't a doll..I am not made of plastic and my heart is elastic..
Maybe he is soo tired that he could easily fall a sleep in his bed without any tears left for me.But for me,I am not complete for this night without tears for him.I remembered our HAPPY times that we had gone through together for
1 year 5 months 4 days..That was very memorable.I remembered the time when he don't even remember our anniversary and he when out with his gurl friends at Causeway.I could not ever forget that moment.When I got soo damn feed up that I thought of having a break up immediately..Why don't you love me the way I love you.?It feel soo crazy cause I don't no

what I mean to you.If your gonna hurt me,then do it quickly.Cause I 'm tired of crying.It all about you that I could not get to sleep with comfort.Where is all your promises to keep me as your one precious girl?Where is your promise saying that I AM SPECIAL?WHERE?I need to know where is it?Eventhough we only had been together for a short period of time,I don't know how the hell I fell in love with you soo deeply..Is what I 'vegiven you not enough?Everything you wanted,I 've given.What more you want from me?I tire of you but I still do love you truely.My tears ran down like razerblade..I miss you soo much.Please understand me..
Messages: watpe2?><
:noraa::Ump,ng lpk.Iler u nak mit I?
{insertname}:Iler you free.
:noraa:ok then bye.
{insertname}: ?cptnyer?bye