Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Laptop was lacking..I feel like banging it outside my house!Well,I had just recover from overdosing of pills..It quite bored at home..Since I 'm sick for this few days,I did not went out with my friends nor boyfriend..hmm,feeling extreme bored right here..Hees..Guess what?I admire someone this few days but I want to keep it as a low profile secret..haiz..but I guess that person knows it already..My biggest wish is to change myself but I just couldn't..How can I change myself to be the ME when I was in Secondary 2?I like the way I am when I am in Sec 2..Relaxing,cool n most of all friendly..Hishh..Now,everything changes for me..Although I 'm different,I still need to live in this world..I'm still a human being afterall..I love being myself although I'm different.. God please give me a blessing to change on WHAT i'VE DONE WRONG..I am still not in mood to post..I just wish to have friends in school espesially in my class so that I don't feel neglected in school..I need someone's desire to be put in me..These few days,I've been silently sobbing inside my room..No one understands my true sadness feeling..only I do..bby i wish you were by my side..
I'm tired of asking
Is this the final time
So did I make you happy?
Because you cried an ocean
About the way you smile
Written in my mind
Every single words a lie
I never wanted everything to end this way
But you can take the bluest sky turn to grey
I swear I did my best to change
But you said it won't won't matter
till here tathaa..
I gtg!!
You caught me undone
Nora Fidora love Muhamad Noh Rasyid.We are happily together since 100811'.I ♥ him so much and I hope that he will always be mine..
I want to love him ike drug..Bay, i SAYANG youhh..heh!<3 The first day I saw him ,I fell in ♥ already..Pfft..
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