Sunday, April 4, 2010

Can't make up your mind,mind,mind..Please don't waste my time3..hhahz..took this from the song Eenie meenie[Justin Bieber]..I kindda like that song soo much..The meaning really fits my type of person..Now,I'm back with Izad..Yesterday,my cousin came to my house..Hahaxx.SHEESH,they are like damn KPO..hhah no laa..kidding..hmm,they see my handphone then they see all my ex pictures..Hmph,she said that my ex are all handsome..I miss iikiyKecik..damn mendaaq down here please someone help me..HELP!!
Haix ,I am superb bored right here..
Yeah ,I'm always bored..
My blog is damn3 dead..
Now that I've upload it,hope it quite ohkhay..
After this,I will go lepak maybe..kwang3!
Thought of typing more but I dunno what to type on..
Ohh yahh,if I'm not wrong,I'm going to quit school soon..
I doesn't have mood to go to school anymore..
Currently,blogging,tagged,facebook and youtube..
Im damn random now..
Guess that all I have to say on my blog..
Nora Fidora love Muhamad Noh Rasyid.We are happily together since 100811'.I ♥ him so much and I hope that he will always be mine..
I want to love him ike drug..Bay, i SAYANG youhh..heh!<3 The first day I saw him ,I fell in ♥ already..Pfft..
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