Heesh..I not sleepy right now..Thinking of him right now..Tgh tulis surat cinta..wawaw!hmph,so tomorrow me and him plan to go to Vivocity..Chill out..Tak sabar sehh.Hmph,then maybe head down to Town kott join mai fuwenss..If I head down to Town den mai anak sedare howhow??Haixx..Tuu pasal susah cause I bringing mai anak sedare yang berumur 7 ke Vivo..So,see how first khaiy Cheha..Now,I've changed my name to Rawra Polary instead of Rawra Tootteet..Now basically I'm feeling down..Haish..Missing someone that I used to love and right noe she's not by m side any longer..I miss my mum..I will pray hard for you mum..I love you soo much..If can I want to dream about you..If someone do love me,they will know how it feel to lost a mum..
To Nizam && Qasim,I'm sorry if I 'm attached right now..
&& at 19:23pm yesterday,
i got this message from unknown person..
when your world starts to fall apart,when your tears starts to drible down your cheek,when your heart no longer sing for joy,when no one seems to cure for the countless heart and tears you shed..
you must always remember to have faith in me..
trust me that i'll be there for you..
Scary seyhh..