Friday, May 7, 2010

Soo basically I'm ATTACHED!
I'm attached to someone that I love this time..
Hmph,well,he is everything that I need!
bby Rawra love Aboii StarR..
He is mai oniee one!!
Sayang dhier..
&& tomorrow we are going to Town..
Hope that it will be a fine day..
We are attached since 060510
- I love him because he got everything that I always wanted!
- I like him beasuse he message me like he is missing me..Well,he does actually..
- I treasure him because he understands me in and out!
- I missing him because he been busy working ..:(
- I care about him because he is my heart..
- Every hours,every seconds,every minutes I think of hym,,
I hope that we cud last long!
With love,
bby Rawra
Nora Fidora love Muhamad Noh Rasyid.We are happily together since 100811'.I ♥ him so much and I hope that he will always be mine..
I want to love him ike drug..Bay, i SAYANG youhh..heh!<3 The first day I saw him ,I fell in ♥ already..Pfft..
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