These is my most hated day.
This is my second post of the day seyh!
Hmph,I couldn't get any rest at all larhh..
Siann ryte?
I noe..
Insomnia larhh..
I missing hym damn lots..
Dear,I wishh you were by my side ryte now..
I felt like crying when I miss you..
Of yeah..
&&,today I will be going for interview for dipolma at Dhoby Ghaut..
Hopefully,I will get laa..Hais..
Pathetic me!
After that,maybe I will be following Cheha to grandlink..
If not then I will be lepaking lorr..
Well,right now I m jelous over somebody..
I need someone's opinian please..
What will you do if you are attached and someone still love you?
I need that answer for myself..
I know that most probably the answer will be leave the one that doesn't love me..
Therefore it's quite hard to judge people nowadays..
Trust is the keypoint..
Btw,I miss my past school friends..
Hope that they did well for their examinations!
Feeling quite letargic ryte now..
K yourGIRLbustard is signing off..
sorry uhh iikiy aku amek trademark kow..
Away from the keyboard!!