Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ader video kelakar..Watch it..:)
Today I'm feeling very letargic as I'm sick..I had flu and cough this few day..Yestrday as usual I lepak at Commonwealth but this time with my guy..On the way to Dewi's block, saw my "enermy" and my old friend "YAYAHDOLLY"..She then asked trouble fro me by calling me MINAHREP..I can't tahan soo I message her and I confessed to her that I don't like her way..Then she overeacted and made me mad..She wanted to talked to me and slap me..Soo,I kept inside..Then ,we ate at Macdonald..After that I took my guy at the MRT..On the way to block 103,saw my "enermy" again..But they never talk to me..Haiyo..Susah lorr pumpan tuu..Forget about it..Now I'm also mad at my guy for being mad at me for something..Ishk..I'm in FRUST!I can't sleep right now,so I wrote him letter.. :) A very long one sehh..Love letter not a fight letter..

Although I'm being fool around with my friends or someone I loved,I will still stay strong..I have faith in myself..No one can force me to fall cause I will keep backing up..Please don't judge me by one eye..I might not seem to be what you thought..I may be in bad conditioned out in my appearance but in me,my attitude is relax and I still think good and positively about others..Those who don't respect others,I won't even care to respect them..I don't give a damn..Eventhough I'm not schooling I still have the heartto continue my education and don't think that I stay on these Earth just to eat and sleep..I do want to feel the hard life too..

Khaiy niari mit Ali and Omar..:) Dngan mai sedare..

P/S:I got a new friend called Ikaah..I had fun with you..:)

Somebody:Heyh tak tido?


Somebody:Kenape tak tido?Belum ngantuk ke?

Me:Uhuh..Blum nantuk..

Somebody:Dah makan?


Somebody:Sok free lepak uhh.

Me:Tak uh

Somebody:Lepak uhh soq je _____ bleh kua lain hari da kene kurung pat uma.

Me:Ngok dulu.

Somebody:Btw,can I ask u something?What thing that you always wanted but you never get?

Me:ahha..A big Elmo..


Me:Why ask?

Soebody:Just ask.And howto get an understanding girl?

Me:Hmm..You mustfirst understand yourself ,then understand the girl,be there for the girl when she needs help..lastly,winher heart..

Somebody:ohh.OK.thanks nora

Me:Your welcome..:)

RAWRA signing off..
Somethime I understand how guys feel