Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Love Command
Hey peeps.. Read this!!Haha..I like this ..Sure2!Because I'm the one who did it mahh..Hmph,command tuk Zick-o..Well,I can't wait for Wednesday and Thursday..Sure fun!!Wee~Yup fun as it is going to me and my boi 1st Monthsary Anniversary..OyehOyehOyeh Hey!!OyehOyehOyeh Ho!haha,,Lols3!Huakhuakhuak!Hmph,I've bought something precious for him..A note from my heart..Cheyy kidding laarh..Actually a note from my "pantat"..Huhakhuakhuak!Hmph,soo,yesterday was bored yet funn.Hah..Nora what are you talking about?Readers don't understand what you are talking about right here..Let Nora explain to you,all peeps aites..Nora was bored at the afternoon yesterday but evening Nora slack at West Coast so Nora have FUN thats why i say liddat!Hmph,khaiy I start to slack at 7pm when to IMM then slacked at West Coast at 8:30pm..Heeh!~So basically slacked until mabok..Haa~Never drink laa.But mabok means tired to mhiee..Me lepak with my couzin ..Play sand like what..Baju semua kene pasir..WTH!!hees~Then we went home at around 1:30a.m..Lambat eyh..Ishk3! Nora2!Degil nahh anak Muhamad niey..Dah balik then boring soo I update this blog dengan command..Iyeah!Bluekk!:P
P/S:Zick=Thanks sayang for the update below..I appreciate it although it is not very long..I like it anyway.. Dewi=Sorry tak bley message kau pp8 aku low..Daniy snchez=Whatever laa kalau ko knal Bear Sat sat..Dice=Aku nampak kow gan Ann2 pat West Coast tadi..Nasib korang tak nampak aku..
Nora Fidora love Muhamad Noh Rasyid.We are happily together since 100811'.I ♥ him so much and I hope that he will always be mine..
I want to love him ike drug..Bay, i SAYANG youhh..heh!<3 The first day I saw him ,I fell in ♥ already..Pfft..
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