Friday, December 16, 2011
иөяаа Fiidояа ♥ Achit Auchie Morue
lOVE is all about staying with someone beside him or her when they need us..:>

I'm currently at the CCK library..All alone..Zzz. ._.
I'm waiting for my bayybehh to go home from his camp..haish..He is damn slow..I've waited for him at the Jalan Bahar for nearly 2hours,from 230pm to 430pm ..Haish..If not becoz of my urgent bladder,I already waited for him up till now ..But my bladder make some problem till I have to go to the nearest toilet which is at LOTone..I'm bored larseyh..Bhy,I miss youhh soo much..Ccepat laa alek..Mendaaaaaak!Anyway,I feel like eating @ CCK ite seyhh.Sedaap laa makanan dyer.Hmph..Aniway today is my small nephew birthday..I've bored for her a cute little shoe..But it doesnt fit her leg pulaak..Aiyooh..-.-
Aniwae Happy Birthday little KIRA..I promise to buy you a new pair of shoe baby..SORIY kalau tak dapat celebrate your bithday 151210'..Cheyy daa satu tahun seyy dyer..
Other than that ,I very very worried for my results for N level seyhh..Hope all the best for it..Pfft!I miss every second I used to spend with you my dear..
Signing out,
Noraa Fiidora
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

hey night my blog.
hmph,I usually sleep aroud this time..But tonight I could not even loe my eye.Gosh..I mish my toyol soo much..Sheesh. I hope that I will have a happy life with him after tunang but looks like my father dont like us to tunang at this age..How??
Dear,baby I love youhh and I will never let youhh go..No matter what,I will not ever lave you all alone..Always want you to be by my side..
Well,overview for today: I went to interview for work at Raffle City,then rush home to sleep..Haah!-,-Play laptop..
With love,
Noraa Fiidora
Saturday, December 10, 2011
dear nora todae is our 4th anniversary ... i wan to wish hapy anniversary dear.. i reali love you.. u my everytink... u my lyfe.. thankz fer be at my side dear... i reali snyg u alot... u lyke my light ... u hav bright my lyfe... i hpe we cn lastlong.... u reali hav enter my heart .....btw walaupon kdg2 i asek mara u.. kasi u irritatin ...kasi u bingit.. u ttp di dlm hati i ... i minta maaf asek kasi u mara... finally iloveyou dear...i hpe todae u hapy kuar wit mie.... =) syannngggg youuuu nora.....
4th Anniversary
Good Afternoon blog,
Today I'm going out with my dear..We are going to TOWN then to Bugis to meet his friends.Hees.. Hmph,maybe only for today I celebrate our anniversary with his friends.:>
Bayy, smile kay .Kiter daa 4 months together..>.<
Friday, December 9, 2011
Heyy , I've changed my blog to a totally new blog because I hate stalker and I want to have a new life without having hatred friends.Hatred friends because they like to disturb my life..They have no bettee things to do in life thats why they disturbed others people life..Jyeahh!
P/S:Especially ,the Minahs..Heh!No offence MInahs.If you hate me,I hate you more for goodness sake..
Other than that I wanted to wish my dear ,Muhamad Noh Rasyid Happy 4th Anniversary because he's already 4 month with me..Thanks for staying by my side dear sayang kush..Hees..Bayy,I love youhh soo much..I'm really happy to stay with you..When I'm in difficulty you are always there for me..Sheesh
I narq kish you and hug you..Oops..
With Love,
Noraa Fiidora