Wednesday, May 27, 2009
MIIE,ME && MEE!!!Updating...Thiz few daes I am FREAKIEE DUNE wip guizZ!!!Ferstly,all of dem lykee mecg miie all dae l0ng.hmm,they use to do everydae...Well.currentli missing my boify.I mizh hymm.Tarq caye kiter setiaa!!Hmm,I haf known a guy whose name iz Khamarul,he izz CRAZIE OF MIIE.:}I dunno why laa..But I've said to hymm that I haf a gui already..Den he say tat he want to b my future husband..PUII!!!WTF!haha!!One FUNNEH thing I want to share wip you guizz..
I told my father bout hymm.
My father was shocked..
I told my gui about hymm.
He told me to ignore hymm.
I follow what my gui says.
My father ask him not to drim ON!!
HAHAHAHA!!my TTM..mmmugagagh!!very2 Funneh!!he make miie laugh every single time I mecg hym.He will mecg miie lyke.."You don't mizh me?"Wagaggahh!!>.<Hmm.btw,tiz few daes my gui lykee rilie love miie a lotzzzz!!!He CARE bout miie!!!weeeeeeeeeeeee!4 my ex,I dunno who e hell iz Puteri Fiqah but I seriusli do hateee u!!!mmmhmm,mmmugagagah!yu noe wat???got lyke more den 6 boi asked me to kish dem den I sae OHH PURLESH DON'T!!LooooooooooooolXX!tODAEEE,i never went to skul !hmm, I m freakie sick laa.Sneeze2 @hmee lykee hell!haizzz!SICK2!Dunno wat to do!Cnferm get scoldi9ng frm my Form Teacher.Espeacially Ms Long.Well,guiz,im not too active at fs animore tao..Alaaah,since I knew my ex did sumtink wrng laa.I hate It!!Well,3A good luck!Keep ur class cleaniness up and we will continue to win the contest.I cant cheat.SOOOOOORRRY!!heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!Wif luv,3A-uR lovely CounscillorEx-uR exKhamarul-uR new fwenMy boify-uR dearest galfwenMy father-uR DAUGHTER
Friday, May 22, 2009
TodAaayHaizzz,Today in skwel do notink....Play com in lib..Sit2 ard read books n more...Hmm,currentlie,notink t0 d0 laRh...>>>-_-'...never get scolded frm Mr Tiger Tan!!!the guy opps miie rytee now izz cRazie cox He laugh 2 hymself..Wagagagahh!!!Aiyahhh///Waiting por my fwen FIT,pUT & aMALIA...I tink dey get scolded by Tiger tatz why.S0o sadd!!WEkk3!!!herm,the librarian see see us lykee wat seii..Btw,,juzz nw Lydia gt sae that she wan to spam sum1 blog.But I dunno who..BORIIIING!!!yA,i DUNNO MY mye RESULTS YETT...hAIZZ...2dae,,naq jumpe my matae...Zul...Haa,Cnferm mendaak gyleRR ngan dhiEr..hahaha.LOLxx!!!:D
P/s:Hafizz Aqu rindu Ko!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I will find a guy lyke Hafiz.- CUTEE
- SUWIT lykee Suga
- kissable
- one loved
- funneh!!!
- touchable
- &&,haf everytink tat i need & want!!!
s0oo wad type do you want???
Wanted!Muhammad Hafiz Bin Zainal
Full Name:Muhammad Hafiz Bin Zainal
Age:14 going 15.
Still schooling
Who is he:He is my ex.
When is he last seen:14 May 2009
What do he wore:He wore short pants,red-black sandal and a black transformer cap.
Who is he with:How I know.
Mizz y0uu ALL!!Hiie guizzz, I mish you all..Erm,especially one person tat I rilie mish e most...Hmm,now,I m wib Zulfadhli...Haa,he iz oniie steady 4 FUN!!!I still miss tiz one person if youu knw hymm.Laa, hys name izz Muhammad Hafiz Bin Zainal.But,I got one funneh thing 2 share wif you guizzz.I still dont noe my guizz full name.I oniie noe hys name iz Zulfadhli.HAHA!!!Lolzz.MANIIE ppl wish that I cud last long wif hymm but I dont think i cann laRh guizzz.4 gudness sick.Erm yahh,I never wen 2 skwel tiz few daes since MondAaaay.HMM,guess why???Im siick Larh.Bab die taq layan aqu lagy since we are X now.Hm,si Zul,i juz mecg hymm wen I feel lyke it but 4 Hafiz,I want but I guess he dun...Hmm,toda3,,I got tuition but Zufar kwn Zul ajk kua...Hm,I guess I will just have 2 gO00 4 myy tuition but it iz m0re ImPOrTaNT AITEZZZZ?.?.hEES,,,-_-HAA, todae I dreamt bout Hafiz but I dunn0 y...>>>MYB i MISH HYMM TRUCKLOTS!! Kheii,noww,currentlie b0red he got NCC.Hafiz taq layan.Miie waiting 4 my tuition..mee s0oo b0red.Btw shyq,I b0lehh3 layan euu tpy u taq juz b'cox we're xx..x_xHaizzzz!hmm,Still haf a lot of stead request up till now.But still mai heart izzz at one... I mizzing euuuu! Hafiz
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
WARNING!Please do not read on if you are immature...It may cauze you having heArt attack and food dis0rder.If you do have asthma,please do not read it also.-Thank-Haa,scared of tat????wakikiki...tat actualli 2 scared all of you...hmm,let miie tell you my stoRy todaay.todaaay, wen to skwel frem Imran's house.,He sent miie.den,I took Math paper but,but,I took e wrng one...Im suppose to take the one with N(A) on it BUT i took wif the Express on it..Den i retake it...4 TWO HOURS!!!shiitt!!!e ppr damn hard laRh!den wen hmee mecg Hafiz...hee mecg miie sad thing..&&.HEE help miie chnge mai skin...\Thanks ya syg...dEn,I get bored s0o hee called miie but my father was at hmee s0oo I cnt rilie sae that I lovee uuu...Haiz,btw,I do treasure youu khei.Y cant u ever2 tink tat I treasure u???+_=...t0nite will be mai SUPERB boring dae...gonna\ juz watch TV,mecg sum1 tat iz willing to mecg miie,study porr PHYSICS ppr t0m0lo.LOVEE physics...espeacially Mr Hisham>>>..Aites..mama.mecg miie 2 cum ova herr house butt I love bein alone wip Apiiz.,.,Haiz,i alwaes make ppl sad yahh,.I relised tat since Im wip you my Apiiz...But,you dun ever make miie feeel badd yarh.Idk y././
hey, haha. hello there people. hehe.. hm, It's Apiz. big diffrence ah, without the twit. xP JKing sayang. hehe, K.. so, she ask me to update.. but I post tottally something different here. hehe, Apiz mah. Rara, I'll get you a tagboard kayyzxc, heeh. loveyou sayang [x Caoo~

i love you sayang D:
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
To my dear Hafiz,,
You have always been in my heart for long.I've never evr forget u as I've said.Evn if i 'm mad at you,I will alwaes there 4 u although u r not tdre ferr miiee..
I lovee u..I hope u do 2...hmph,Hafiz,i juz wanna say tat if u dun believe wad im trying to explain to u here,u cann cut my heart to see it ...
I d0 mish ya & l0ve u!!!!!!!!!

Quiiiz tymee...
Bout miie..
dO YOU SLIP wif guys tiiz week?
*Err,tiz week no.
Do you have an affair wif other guys?
*Absolutely NO
d0 You take drugs?
*HAHAA,no0.If I cann,I will TAKE sleepin' pills.
do you HAp parents?
*Of coz cox everybodi doo.
But im onlie wif my papa n0w.
Who iz ur lover?
***Muhammad Hafiz Bin Zainal
Do you g0- hmee straight after skwel?
*No,im not that lame kayy
h0w many ex do you haf?
*currently 26 exs...
have you ever play?
*No..But I wish too in e future...
Haf you ran away frm hmee b4?
Haf you ever fail all ur subject?
Wad colour do u lyke e most?
*cann sae blue laa
Do u knw wad kind ur gui iz lyke?
*Not pweeti sure.,.,you may asked hymm.-_-
Du you haf problems lately?
*Ya i sure doo.Lyke a lot.
Do u wish to quit skwel?
*Haa,now dun feel lyke it>>
Do you haf weird fwen?
Do you do housework??
*Ya,,almost everydae.
Clean my r00m espeacially..
Where will you like to go for ur honeymoon?
Do you love urself?
*YaRh,sure II do pweeti much..
Haf you ever lost ur virginity>?
did i ever lie to myself 4 stupid reason?
*yaa,lykee a lot..
Will i let my love ones suffer??
d0ne it!
YesterDaAYA Happy Couple
So True..
HM,i went to Imran House to mit hys mom den we wen to the wet & dry market..Blahh3..Haa,,dy step aek tlg mak dy angkat gr0ceries...
U make miie piukke Imran.I mish Apiiz SoO much laa...miie and Apiiz lyke a hepy couple tuu miie & tuu pap Imran,miie and Imran iz a hepy couple..Idk laRh..P/S:papa purlese jgn pakse adeq n biar adeq uat decision sendiry.
What does a Hepy couple do?
*They spend tymee together.*THEY hug n kiss.*do all sort off nauti tings.*MISS ECH OTHER*uNDERSTAND MIIE*do text miie at least twice a dae*help miie wen im in difficulty..Den,, I wen hmee at ard 2 mecg my dearrer.But soo sadd hee leave miie alone c0x hee follow hys fwen lpk...haiz...S0o sadd kann!!!So0 i mecg my bezfwen,Shah,and mecg Rudy but Rudy was working...S0o im juz mecging Shah.I asked Shah which of which to choose.Den he said choose Hafiz since he still love miee.Den i cried and I said I'LL CONSIDER WHICH.I tot of leaving Hafiz ALL alone coz I tot hee was juz playing trick on miee.Lastly,Shah asked miee to think twice on which t0 ch00se...>>>I choose Hafiz...tOO,MATMAT YG SMLM nmpk otw hme,I juz dun lyke people hafin' e attitude of matmat...S0o to badd I nvr accept u all...And to Denial,jgan fliRt gan aqu lehh taq.Geli tawuu taq??!!Skaters ii <3>
Wake up at 4.studi blahh3.Haa,todae goO tuhh skwel had fun.I took POA Paper...hmm,easy laa tuu miie but not to my fwens...They said it iz
SUPERB S[CKIEE AND HARD,.,den I said to dem chill arhh.>>>den wen hme.b4 g0in hme,,I bought Ananas Nasi Lemak.
SEDAAP!!!For doz non-malay,
SEDAAP means delicious in malay...haiz,cum bck fRm skwel straight awae mecg my feRst hee dun reply but I was relieve den wen hee reply my stupid mecg.,.,.U knw wad I juz type ''Hey'' and he reply...YEAH!den maa ko0l miie askin' miie to go0 hme at Imran's House...Den I said Otehh.c0x im bored at hme and I had noo one money.I onie tot of goin dre to haf F.O.C food...HAHAHAHA.lolxx..damn fUnNeH.Nw currentliee at hys house playing hys lap...Shhh,ova here damn
bored oni play comp.Imran w0rking laa.Den kene layan maa dhie n hys maid...Maid dy KPO siahh.Including hys mom.Tanyer2 org.
Imran Mom asked me''Siaper HAFIZ?''
Dengan terpakse aqu ckp ''Die my bezfwen...''
''Nora taq de pape kan gan Hafiz?''
you can talk all you want but my skin is really thickim the leader of the crowd and my game is really slickim unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable (x2 one this one only)save the pic for tomorrow when i smash em like a ballin the club on the news ill be rockin like a rock starim unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable, unstoppable
lil wayne:weezy f baby hello world i got a black president and a yellow girland my red shoes and my swags so sick i need med schooli can never make her van move but i can make her bed moveyou like my attitude aint nobody else set my magnitudeaint nothin stoppin me feel like there nothin off of mewhat u talkin bout kat i ran in the bank and i walk out fatyeah and i walkin like i talkin and i run this shit yeah run it like a fawsetim the one ate this cause im awes your money
now shake your body like you got the junk of fever rushin through your thangwe gettin crazy and the club is bangin through your brain when i say jump you jump jump its knockin knockini wanna see you jump this beat is rockinright along my bracelet kinda fancy but its hotyou wanna come along and see them hala at memaybe i lost in and maybe not cause i got gamelike a burnin flame yeah thats me a huh
fa-fa-fa-fa follow the leader (x4)
Labels: Lykee it
Thursday, May 7, 2009
YESTERDaaaY,06/05/2009 I do not wen to skwel...Hahaha.Not fun urgh...hmm,i lyke want to go BPGHS cox miss my toodles...Especially Amalia,Azim,Putri,Fitria &,guyz loves u lotsss...hmm,I just patch bck wif hymm n yaa I guess I make hymm feel sad again cox I said I mizz hiz fwen...Well,tat dus not mean I loRve hiz Fwen rite???+_='Haizzz.Siann seyhh.Hmm,to Khai,Luke,R-d,Haikal,Jo, & more ''I'm ATTACHED''...haaa,told u all tat and u all dun believe.Well,ngan saper ek??Gan my ex dulu Hafiz.Y?hahaha.I taq mara korg khay..Hmm,JUZ DUN MECG MIIE ANIMORE. YaRh,den todae I wen tuition.Hmm,studi much fRm A----Z..haik.,.,dEn,wen hmee late.s0RRy guyz daa taq lepaaak lagy.I was thinking of turning myself to be a gud guRl.haa,.SHHH dun tell others cox>>>>it is not sooo impoRtant yaRh.,.,Den,mlm cnnt slip,haha wmiie Atikah,Siti,Nurul talk2 inside my room.Den sum1 strange mecg miie tat I will leave freakie Apiizz all alone...FXCK LAAArH...kk,den since tkut angun lambat for tmr exam, I wen 2 bed.Narq tdoR 2 kann,TERFIKIRKANN dy lakk.-_-...Rinduu sekali!!!
Todaaay, Hiee,,todae I wen skwel as usual...I can't believe myself tat I have patch back wif my dearr Apiiz...hmm,I had fun wif hymm laRh n0w.We never fought again.,.,hmm,I took LiteratuRe paper 2dae & it's superB difficult.Hee took Chemistry paper todae..Hahaa.I miss hymm laRh..Well,he recently haven't update hiz blog yett.Idk y..HAzH..hmm,I hope 2 be wif hymm 4ever n not to bwek wip hymm animore... Hizh,
I hope he does too...Haiyahh.I dun just mish hymm.I aso miss my fwen.Hahaha.I mish Apiiz fwen tuu.Fadhil & Afiq.WELL,daa lamer taq nmpk Sholihin.hmm,kindda miss hymm.But most of all,I miss my Syg Apiiz,.,haik,I kindda want to go to Apiiz skwel to have education dre but it seems lyke Apiiz dun lyke miee 2 b dre.Tmr iz my Malay paper.HAIZ,,,kne blajarr dgn setungkus lumus...Apiiz 2..Haa,btw,2 Apiiz if u still remember bout Adila,juz gooo 2 her yaa.I penat laRh n taq ukeh share luRpe gan org laen...I hope dre wil be no PROBLEMS between us two>>>7494!!!I wan eeu!!!! Apiiz,dun leave miiie hanging