Saturday, May 29, 2010

Heesh..I not sleepy right now..Thinking of him right now..Tgh tulis surat cinta..wawaw!hmph,so tomorrow me and him plan to go to Vivocity..Chill out..Tak sabar sehh.Hmph,then maybe head down to Town kott join mai fuwenss..If I head down to Town den mai anak sedare howhow??Haixx..Tuu pasal susah cause I bringing mai anak sedare yang berumur 7 ke Vivo..So,see how first khaiy Cheha..Now,I've changed my name to Rawra Polary instead of Rawra Tootteet..Now basically I'm feeling down..Haish..Missing someone that I used to love and right noe she's not by m side any longer..I miss my mum..I will pray hard for you mum..I love you soo much..If can I want to dream about you..If someone do love me,they will know how it feel to lost a mum..
To Nizam && Qasim,I'm sorry if I 'm attached right now..
&& at 19:23pm yesterday,
i got this message from unknown person..
when your world starts to fall apart,when your tears starts to drible down your cheek,when your heart no longer sing for joy,when no one seems to cure for the countless heart and tears you shed..
you must always remember to have faith in me..
trust me that i'll be there for you..
Scary seyhh..
Friday, May 28, 2010

Baby I love you
I am now attached with Zick..Lols ..namer betol tak ingat larh..Hmph,niey laa Nora mataey gan orang yang belom kenal2 btol..Whaxx!Khay cut it short..So i stead with him on 240510..Sowiy that tyme tak dapat update ..Ampai nari aru lehh update blog..So,let me tell something about him,..His a swit guy,cute,truthful and kind-hearted..He's been good to me..Loving him soo much.Te sweetest thing is that dier chium dahi akuhh.!Iskk!cair aquhh..Wawaw!Hm,chop3!If can,nak uat setia with him..Ye larh I know I kind of casanova but2 let me tell Zick that I really LOve him indeed!Sheesh~
Khaiy now my only wish is to stay with him and to layan all my friend equally..Khaiy ..first date aquhh gan Zick bleh tahan romantic laa eyh..maen pool..ahhx!haiz..aquhh menang atu dy menang atu..hikhik!Fun larhh!
p/s:To my sayng Zick,if you are reading this,I nak you tahu bertape I sayang pat you.I love the way you love me..Insyallah,kalau kiter blehh stay lamer with each other we will breathe together in this relationship..I tk nak you just to love me but to TRESURE mhiee!L0veeu!muackkq!
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Yesterday was a superb fun day with Cheha!Enjoy it pretty much doh!!Wahhax..Wink2!Get a new friend but lost a friend..Haish,,Sian..I get a new friend whose name is Wan but I lost a friend named Fahmy..Aiyohh..Amcm bleh jady gini..Btw,chop3!Hmph,so yesterday had a day out with Cheha..We planned to go to Jurong Point but instead of that we went to Bedok to meet his friend..Azim..YEAH he was fun and funny to be with larh..Hmph talking bout that,I have remembered a phrase that Cheha always use..Hmph,"Naik Boring"..Ahhaz..When she said it,it's kindda funny..So firstly,we went to lepak with Azim then few minutes later,Wan came so they have decided to chillout at ECP..We went ECP,take a deep fresh air there..Wahhas!Hmph,then play bowling..It was FUN at first because I got one strike!Heesh~We played two games ..Then ended up dua2 game Cheha menang..Cheha cheat uhh Cheha!Ye larh kater Cheha kan..Lols!Khaiy2 after Bowling,kiter gi amek angin lagi..Best2!Weeeee!Kawan dhier da terpikat kat aku lerr!hahah!At 10.30p.m we went home ..Since da pukul 1030pm,Cheha da panik takut tkde train at last ader..So,I then meet my friend,Jack..Fun for awhile then I met Dewi..Chitt Chatt!Then I went home at 7am in the morning..Cool kann!!Lols._.
Thats all tatatititutuh!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
19 May 2010
Hmph,well yesterday met Cheha..Was fun3!Till one spot she told me that Kid told something bad ,I mean REALLY bad larh..Hmph,I hate hym a lot now..Yeah!!Heard about Afez..YADA3!Haixx..Cruel hym g0 beat girl up in lift..Chian that girl..Got another one bad news..Actually it's a g00d news..Hmph,want to hear it up??Well,my ex Hafiz da ATTACHED wip AinDinosaur..Tapi pat blog dia banyak org hatetag dhier taktaw ashal..Truthfully,He's my dearest ex..Tapi nak buat ape kn orang da attached so let it be then..sheesh--
Cock up shey..
After kluar gan Cheha,headed to Commonwealth to meet Dewi..She got a lot of storytelling larh she..Dier kater dyer kenal2 gan guys..Yahh!Hmph..Alurh same old story larhh..Mat rep,Mat rempit,Mat NS && many mur..Lerrs!She kenal2 kn mhiee with this one Mat rempit name..HAHA !tak bulehh bilang..Okeah larh orangnyer..BUT not interested ..Hheesh!Chop3!Kiter Pegy Macdonald commonwealth..lEPAK2~
Then,got problem with her mom..Mak dier sentiase bising..So,what we did was just close our ears then gi block 103..pat 103 ader Daniel and gangs ..Lagi2 Taufik..Tak abis2 dgan lagu "Dayah" tapi tukar to mai namer!Iskk,,Feed up akuhh!Den ,Daniy tanyer maner mai anak sedare,Indra sumer..?So I said pat uma..Hhaha..Indra kiyut laarh..Den me and dewi kene bully gan budak2 kecik..Lols!Taikkn..hahah..I know..Grr~geraam gan Hashim si keciq tuhh..Dah abis lepak then I goo home ..Todaay,Pagi2 Cheha mecg me tanyer nak jumper SugaRenny tak..Then ,I was pretty sick today so tak ghi la..Btw,pagi2 mandi sumer..Hahhaz mesti larh mandi ehh..Hah tolong Siti ,mai anak sedare masak sumer..Chop3!Makan!LOLS~wagagagah..btw,da lamer tak type panjang2 carm nie..kikikiQ!my mama is coming today..yeah3!thats all laa..Tatatititutu!Rawra Tootteet signing off!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I want you by mai side..
Today made a huge mistake..
I've broke off with him..
It's not that I don't love him
but it's just that I don't want to have a relationship..
I still love you!
p/s:Sorry Cheha for not joining you for your Birhday Chillout yesterday..
Yesterday ,I was at Town too..
Tcre everyone..
StillI apologised to Muhd Qasim &Seha..
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Well,I had fun todaay..
Hmph,went to Teck Whye Lane to eat with my boyfee.
Actually I'm supposed to go out with my lovely mother
but since mai mom was at Indonesia
then I just when out with him..
Tyhe kedai mamam pat Teck Whye was damn full
sal Mother Day's punyer pasal..
Okhay but after we bought our
two Minahsrep pt pondok sebelah kedai makan tuhh..
Hmm,I tot it was maii fwen Khalisah..
Haixx,then one of the gal said
"Aperh akuhh kesah if she is with her mataiy.."
Fxck up seyh..
Naseb aek akuhh gan mataey akuhh..
Hmph then after that we go and eat..
After eat,we go
I was hoping for us to go clubing together..
Now,I' starting to miss my friend..
i miss Q _ _ _ _!!
&& ,I want
Maii damn hp Samsung Corby rosak>.<
Labels: dun be kpo about people and people don't be kpo of u
Aren't they sweet?Haha!
This is mhiee and mai guy!
Hm,yesterday was a fun day..
Hm,okhay laa..
Love him!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Today I get to go out with my dear hym && maii fwen..
We are going to Town..
Well,I'm writing at around this tyme because
I couldn't get some sleep..
Haiyahh!Stress lorhh..
Tapi mai feeling towards hym blum terbuka lagi..
Bhy,I know you are sick dear..
P laa mam ubat tkut nti bhy saket taw..
Hmph,sayang bhy..
Thinking of you!
I want to spend tyme with you!
Understanding you more deeper..
I will be meeting HYM at 1pm at Clementi MRT..
I want to watch movie gan maii sayang..
Hmph,tapi maii papa conferm tak kasi uit..
I want at least 30 bucks dohh!
Taq pe laa..
"Bhy ,ai nak pinjam duit tapi you aru nak pakai?
Taq perh.."
Yeah,so happy laa niary ..
See how it goes!
good luck Rawra!
After that I head down to meet maii fwen..
Alurhh..maii dear naq ikut seyh..
Takut ehhem2!
You know I know,we all know..
btw,sume da move on..
Hhaz!Aku ni blum ader REAL FEELING agik..
But somehow I know aku tgh fell in love skit.
Btw,I've read about iikiy..
That all I have to say:
Love Aboii StarR
Labels: taking care
Friday, May 7, 2010

Soo basically I'm ATTACHED!
I'm attached to someone that I love this time..
Hmph,well,he is everything that I need!
bby Rawra love Aboii StarR..
He is mai oniee one!!
Sayang dhier..
&& tomorrow we are going to Town..
Hope that it will be a fine day..
We are attached since 060510
- I love him because he got everything that I always wanted!
- I like him beasuse he message me like he is missing me..Well,he does actually..
- I treasure him because he understands me in and out!
- I missing him because he been busy working ..:(
- I care about him because he is my heart..
- Every hours,every seconds,every minutes I think of hym,,
I hope that we cud last long!
With love,
bby Rawra
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sorey for MIA-ing..
Well,I mish my blog..
Hmm,lets update about me..
I'm still SINGLE..
But not looking..
But someone's looking at mhiee..
I'm lyke everyday lepaking..
Wasting time..
I'm not schooling Oreadi..
Khaiy going out..