Thursday, July 30, 2009
pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp how's my day???Today,my day was fyne..Woke up and went to school.Wow,today I felt as if everyone wants to know about me lorr..I have sad and happy story..Firstly,I went to school den I asked Azra;my fwen about Putri then she said that she was unable to come to school because she is sick.hmmph, lots of people never attend school today.Either they are sick or hmm....>>Well,as im sick,doctor plastered my hands and when I reached school all my friends asked me why my hands are plastered then I explain to them..hmm,Secondly,when I meet my fwen Fitria in her class ,she gave me papers..English papers...Well i scored well in my English test.I was told that I got 3rd higher in my group..hhx.IN MY GROUP...Then,when for Physics my first lesson..FUNFUN!!Mr Hisham cracked some funneh jokes..he some sort care bout me..He asked me why I never attend school last few dayss.wawawa!!Next is my English lesson..Took Comprehension CA2..Haizz.Damn easy but I will surely fail...After that had a Reading Lesson..Hmm ,dun understand what my teacher probably talking about in class..haa!LOLxx..Reccess!!hmm,eat a while then when to staff room to see the President Of The Student's Councillors Result..Sad2!Im not the President...Nevermind...Btw,congrats to the President ;Manling..After reccess,when for Malay..Mr Senan explain blahhh3!Then2 intersting part is that he warned us not to do stupid stuff as we are Islam..Aiyoh!But to bad I did!!SadSad!~Had Mathematic lesson after that then I understood the Formulae for the stupid GRAPH!!Examination is near...English!!!Arghh!Khaiy this Friday..!!Jiayou!! Remember that Smoling is not good for your health...
lOVE mE.lOVE mE.lOVE mE.lOVE mE.lOVE mE.lOVE mE.lOVE mE.fOR those hu loves to copyright things,please dun!
nbby noraanppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppUpdated on Wednesday,30 July 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Haizz,to passerbyH ,ek jgn laa kau tuu pun narq prasan...Aqu taq semestinyer refering tuhh you..And ku tauh laa kauw tuhh pumpn and jgn naq act lelaki!MotherFucker kauw taq ajar tauladan pehh???Kenee spam2?Waklupunyalaki!!Seytan..Gyle Maha Gyler!!
To my other blog readers,haizz,peeplo nowadaes lovess to spam others blog...Haaha.They think it FUN but let miie highlight to you guys..If you spam others,wud you like when other MotherFucker spam your blog???I don't think soo..Hmm,to the spammer,You have noo fucking idiotik lyfe to spam!!Nak kater aqu prasan?Go ahead laa..Aqu pon tk uker lakaki yg prasan...Blueekkkk!!
No Lyfe!!
I warn the others not to SPAM!!haha hatee spammers!!Malas nark layan budak2 NO LYFE!!Hahax today I never wen skwel got major headaches..haizz..hmm,hate sick!I Y hymm..wakakaka!i HATES SMOKERS YAHH BTW..z
.bby noraa.
My personal Problems..I always have problems..Both in and out of the world..Some might think what does I mean by in and out..I will explain later in my blog..hmm,i firstly have problems with miie,my ownself..I don't know why I kept makinhg others angry with miie..Especially my dad..haizz..SADDSADD D= Next,I have problem not talking to others..haahaa random laa..Lastly,problems seems to occur when I meet my guy..It seems that I the Problematic person yahh but it seems that a lot of guys lyke miie..Isn't that the most pathetic thing you have ever heard??Haizz..hmm,but most importantly,,I love Muhammad Hafiz Bin Zainal!!Sorry urghh to the other guys..hmm,find the other yahh.Sure you'll find better than miie..Yahh,back to my problems,I thought of staying with my'z impossible..
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Few days had gone..and I felt sick...Not sick with anithink but myself..haizz.,,BORED!hmm,i dunno wad had i done wrong ..but i know it iz somethiq wrong..I had no idea why tiz few days i felt as if I've made guy fallen for mie but I knw that I did felt awkward...guys after guys I m juz sick of you guys...It made miee felt weirder if a guy get injured falling for miee.Zulfadly:Im seriusli sorry for what i've done even I did nothiq wrong..i guess you sud haf a great resting tyme without miie..everybody say that you're my ex..even Khai..but have i ever be your ex b4?But i kindda miss you...Get well soon yahh.Today,i will be going to skwel soon..Juz cant get some sleep cause thinking bout somethiq..lelaki misteri i wannea know hu are you really are yahh..=Phezz..
Updated by BBy noraa..
To Apiiz,,imy lotzz!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
YesterDaAy!!! When to my siz house to visit her at Chinatown...den too hall den see the NDP preview..hhha..hmm,bored2.wip hymm.haiyoh got bigg problem in the middle of mirina square...!!!hate it!! hmm,wen home crying.. lykee shit..den at home contact Danial Asyriq..hmm,haa,hee keke ar..SORT OF..hehee.Den LuKE mecg miie.miie tarq layann..had a bad day yahh..den,my ttm fwen also mecg miie tryin' to comfort miie yahh.but doesnt workk.fadly,sorry lahh kaee... _bby noraa_
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
eclipseyay!!!today got eclipse..>but too bad ive got skool..-.-gonna miss it..sobsob..

_________________Pixx kekek...Hating ke perh!! _______________
____________ Alamak rasice laa!! _______________

Suwitt couple! _________________
_________________Hahaha eating lyke hell! __________________

__________________Hys soooo damn cutee_________________
Photo taken on Sunday,19 July 2009
Bby noraa
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
LOw PROFILe NEEDEd!!if you were a person whom love Earth,will you fly to the space?
if you were a teacher,will you leave the students?
if you were a boy,wil you want to be a girl?
if you are a moon will you ever leave the sky?
if you were the Sun will you leave the Earth?
if you were a jetplane,will you fly soo high?
if you were a bird will you leave your nest?
if you were the sky will you leave the land?
if you were rich will you leave your wealthiness?
if you were a plane,will you not crush?
if you were me,will you leave your most needed friend>>>????
♥♥♥Huhuhu!!!♥♥♥Todaaay is soo damn Fun!!!hmm,at sch do a lot of stuff...Most importantli,ii gt to study well todaay..Except for Math!!Lolxx.actuali cann concentrate laa butt b'cox of one boy,Bryan,ii cant...SOO SADD!!Ltr ii tell you about sch today cox some are not interested in listening to mai sch daayy.hahaha..khaiey ii want to low pro!If got someone message or wat ii try to ignore..but not for my shyaq of cox..hmmph,since ii never blog long tym alreadi,ii want tell somethiq..yesterdae ii gt class cheering competition..butt my class quite enthu!!yeahyeah!den2 ii wen home at 5.30pm..odw home,ii took the train aites den saw 2 men keep staring at miie.lolzz!!+.+..hahah!den hys adeq lyke dun lyke miie..kwang3!!hmm,damn KEKEK!!i tot of ignoring herr baa butt she bustard..kkenough laa..Den todaaaay,- i when tuhh skwel.
- go every class to give out somethiq
- less0n was interesting soo far
- except Math!
- den,Chemistry Lesson ,teacher,Ms Ding taught miie a lesson that a nuisance have a limit 2 a pers0n..haa,knw it..
- den end skwel!!
- haizz...POA siann!!!
thatzz about all laa...Running,overstraining,Freakiie fcuk up..
i miss you hafizz!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
TodaAay!!Haloh2..Today I woke up at 5a.m but I never when to school because Im still sick..Herm,,now currentli at home watching tb..hmm,playing Habbo...blogging..o9ing...Hmm,everydayy of my lyfe is bored !!i tot of going out butt still Im sick.HMM,not must to saez..taa2!! imy!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
ℓαυgн αυgн ℓαυgн!!I am still not asleep..
I am currentlie studying at home..
watch tv..
i tot of massaging my guy but hmm,no prepaid..
I want to sleep at 3 latest..
hmm,talking about homeworks,now,I am mostly into my school work!!
You guys might be wondering why must I be active in the homework..
Well,now I want to concentrate in my work..
I dunn want to slack..
Till I overstrain myself seyhh.
Yesterdae murning,wen doctor den the doctor saex that i haf overstress myself till he gave miie a 2 daayss MC!!+.+
hmm,haizz.pweti sick..
But still I have some time to spent wif my SAYANG
I dunno if he care about miie now when Im in this condition..
&&,Ard 8p.m yesterdayy,my fwens mecg miie..Fitria and Amali..
They asked about my condition..
Den I told them that I have Migrane..??
Den they asked miie not to attend school tomorrow.
But I said to them that I will attend..
And depends are..
I felt as if todaaay iz my last daay seyyh..But hopeful NO LAA..=<
I am obsessed with myself!!
tmr I am hoping to go to school because I don't wanna mish any of the lesson!
I hate myself!
I never tot that I'll be in LORBE lyke tizz!
To all my friends,,i never wen to sch00l cox im sick yahh..
00____000__000 ______00____ _00 00__ 00---- 00 ----00____00____ _00
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With Love,bbY Noraa
hai,i miss my classmates as I cant join them today cox im sick!!I HATE sickness..&& because of sickness,I cant get to go to skwel for 2 dayss!!Aiyohh!!Pathetic much!!hmm,today,I did nothiq butt I wen to tuiton laa.hmm,tuition important laa b'cox Im failing my POA!!for those who dunno what is POA,POA is my main subject in school.hmm,it is Principles Of Accountancy!!This few dayys,i never messages few of my friends lorr..hmm,never whe outta my house not because I have H1N1 butt I dunn want others to think that I'm a bad gurl!!I m Good Gurl!!Nothiq much to saex.But juz now my teacher call up my father.Soo sian laa..He is sleeping then suddenly got call.I change my blogskin laa cox this one look more nicer/!!Dun you thiq soo!!haha!!I miss my Hafizz!!IIE LOVE MY GUI!!mISh hymm too!-вву ησяαα-
FACTS ABOUT ME!!1)Have i ever try to kill myself?-Yesh2)What Phobia do i have?-eeee.blood.I hate blood soo much!3)Do you easily fall for guys?-Yupssi m a maneater4)Am i a good kisser?-Stupidd question..em,yes5)Do I know what is a love game?-Sort of cox i m playing it nw..6)Have i ever been wif a guy whom is stupid and dump?-HHX,i wont accpt the nerd wants cox i haf a good want..7)Do I like to flirt?-only in messages and not in real lifes.8)Am i a good gurl?-Im not soo good but somehow can say laa.9)Do I love my boyfriend?-Yesss...I lurf hymm soo dearly!10)Am i an arrogant gurl?-NOOO.I ahate those whom are arrogant and fussy!
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Have A Bad Dayy!
Hmm.., soo sadd..Why muz thre always be a sad day in someone lyfe???I NEED TO KNOW BADLY ..purlese!!Someone tell miee..I frequently haf a bad day wif my gui..I love hymm soo muzh lyke I do love my parents!!But maybe the problems is wif miee!!Must I blame all by myself or must I blame himm?Even if the sky iz falling down,I wont let u down my DEAR.Hmm to kak zuraa,link miie yahh..
Hmm,soo basically I woke up in the morning at 6a.m den pray..
hmm,of coz I bath ferst..
Den,I do my homework ..
After that I wen to Republic Polytechnic to watch a performances by my skwel..
Hmm,had fun..Haiz i dun get it why guys nowadaes lyke to asked for number.
But I understand myself that Im already attch..
Hafiz forgive miie for my wrong..!!
I hope that you will understandd.=<
I felt soo guilty..
I dun realise for myself that tyme and Im sowiie if I let you down.
I didnt mean to escape from my fault & now I will try to change myself aites...
I hope we will last longer then ever yahh!Den odw home,,one boyy asked no.
den I remember what my dear said not to give to them..
Soo i did what he say..Huhu..
I've transform myself seyy!haha!
hmm,sadsad bcox cnnt mit hymm ..t
ill now blogging..
- вву ησяαα-
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
●αριιz● I miz yu!!!
Hhx..bored.btw,dun put mai pixc laa..hmm,currentlie,duin nothinq...hmm,he is asleep ..yarnn2!!Sleepy tmr skwel !!!haizz.I want to be singl...boreng uhh !___hmm btw,aku kne tuduh yg aku taroq gmbr ku pt blog dia>>>
í ám śőő bőŕéd tődáý áńd í ńévéŕ wéń tő śćhőől ágáíń...lőlxxx.át hmé dő ńőthíńg őńí blőg áńd látéŕ í wíll gő őút máýbé láá...gő lépák..I miss my boify{αριιz}...Hahaha/!
oooooohhh...wushh.ku single.wagahgah!!- вву ησяαα -
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
--------------------------------------Quizzzzzz!!1.Who am I always close to in school?-hMM,Amalia n Fitria...2.Why are you sad if someone leave you?-Durr if someone leave miie, i will lose someone important in mai lyfe..3.Who is my boify?-Dont nid to knw but he is frem Teck Whye Sec,,Hahaha..4.Why I seldom go to school??-I dont lyke skweling...Hhx!!-_-5.What I will cry for?-I will cry for someone I love the most lyke GOD,MY PARENTS,MYSELF AND MY BOIFY..6.Why boys lyke to us my no?-Myb Im hehem!!7.Am I willing to leave my parents alone when I have problems?-no.8.Whom I love?-My Hafiz9.What is my weakness?-Stomach10.The End----------------------------------------------------------
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
TodaAy>>>Haizz.My blog daa berlapok seyh!!!Lyke long tyme nvr blog.Hahaz..btw,gt lotz of story to tell seyh...Most importantly,I cant get along with my own class 3A...Dunno why maybe I'm too anti-sosial..I always never come to school..But seriusly i'M SICK LAA..iF NT im willing to come to school...hmm,well actualy in school is fun because my fwen lyke Fitria always pursued miiie to go to school everydae lorr..Hmm,mish my gui..Tiz few days im hot ..If wanna knw asked miie..Btw,I haf lots of homeworks to do..Wahaz.I gt to know that my fwen Shaz is Attch.Woow..Hmm,tapi not soo cloze to herr laa..Haizz,soo bored todae..Parthetic much..Wen to school lyke normal and then mecg mai fwen frem Tecky..Woow BEST!!!Fuhh!!!Btw,my Math class has changed ,Now im in Group 3 ..Pathetic Stupid!!!!I gt a lot of fwen haha...Hmm,tady gt extra 6 fwen...Woow..Laa,tomolo gt POA tuition!!Sial!!!!Shial punya shial!Maha Sial!My literature teacher also change sehh!!!Quite funneh!-Byee!-