It is very unnerving to find out that someone that love you love others.
I'm not accusing you at all..
But it's the truth and the fact.
It's hurting to clutch at my hurt heart..
I sadly said "I'm agitated to find out your true colour".
If he continues to act franticly, will have to sayGOODBYEto you.
But if I were to do so,my tears ran down like blazerblades.
These is because 'm still dubious about letting you off.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Aan n iikiy before.. Aan and iiky now..(puas daa update gambar?)
Heeyh peeps..
As you have seen my title for this particular post,you can see tat I don't want to waste my time..Hmph,what I meant is that I'm finding a job that issuitable for me and I found it..I'm gonna start working soon so mght be busy..I will try to work for 5 days..A day off to rest and a day off to sped time with my boify..Khaiy,I will be working at Sakura..I don't wann tell you guys wher exactly I'm werking larh..Nanti korang KPO jerh!hee~Kaey..Tady when for interview & yadayadayada..Hmph,manager dhier bleh tahan baik larh..:) Actually I'm bored right now..So,I just lsten to songs and update stuff..Later werk already dah tak bleh jump2 kawan..Ishk!Nanti ataiy aku start larh mengatal dhier..GRR!I'm wishing for something to happen..Why must I which for something bad wheneverI already had the best?:'( Shoooosh..Nora2 tak aek nangis2..I just want the way that I'm single..We can pretend that airplanes and night stars like shooting stars..All we do is wish now..Hees~ I want to enjoy my teenage life without guy but,he cares about me so must..But i don't wish for him to hurt me neither.. P/S:Hold me tight..Make me laugh then cry..Kiss me everytime I cry..Say to me that you love me..And don't ever ever leave me alone..&&,say to me that my heart is always yours..:) N no matter how I break your heart,don't ever stop saying "my heart is yours"...
Today,I woke up damn damn late..I think I woke up around 5p.m ..Hmm,that is damn late..Yesterday,I don't even gave my eyes a break to sleep.. force it to open 24 hours..Gaah!Currently playing Sims 3!Fun laa..Wee~I think this few moments I consider myself as single..Hais stress uhh being attached..WTH!Hmm,how,sape interested??Cheyy fake..My Sims baik2 buat family da jadi couple je..Hmph,stress punye pasal that is why I played Sims..Waduh best sehh..Soo,I thought that since I'm not schooling anymore and waiting for my Diploma to start,I'm gonna find a suitble job for my ownself..Ishk..I don't wanna waste my time sey dong nothing..If I work at least can support myself..Wee~Although I am still attached,I act as if I'm single..Just look and see..Today maybe I am going to Dewi's house..Maybe..To my guy,sorry uhh,you've hurt mesoo much soo I shall treat you this way..Athough I said ''OK'',I still hardly forgive you..If I'm in trouble you also wouldn't care..What will you care about?Yourself and you??Eventhough your friend ismy ex-boyfriend,he als didn't treat me that bad..
P/S:Wait till you hurt mine again,and I will hurt you..You may think that this may be fun but it isn't at all..Remember that!Bare in mind..
Saturday, June 26, 2010
CaringAboutOthers Ader video kelakar..Watch it..:)
Heyh.. Today I'm feeling very letargic as I'm sick..I had flu and cough this few day..Yestrday as usual I lepak at Commonwealth but this time with my guy..On the way to Dewi's block, saw my "enermy" and my old friend "YAYAHDOLLY"..She then asked trouble fro me by calling me MINAHREP..I can't tahan soo I message her and I confessed to her that I don't like her way..Then she overeacted and made me mad..She wanted to talked to me and slap me..Soo,I kept inside..Then ,we ate at Macdonald..After that I took my guy at the MRT..On the way to block 103,saw my "enermy" again..But they never talk to me..Haiyo..Susah lorr pumpan tuu..Forget about it..Now I'm also mad at my guy for being mad at me for something..Ishk..I'm in FRUST!I can't sleep right now,so I wrote him letter.. :) A very long one sehh..Love letter not a fight letter..
Although I'm being fool around with my friends or someone I loved,I will still stay strong..I have faith in myself..No one can force me to fall cause I will keep backing up..Please don't judge me by one eye..I might not seem to be what you thought..I may be in bad conditioned out in my appearance but in me,my attitude is relax and I still think good and positively about others..Those who don't respect others,I won't even care to respect them..I don't give a damn..Eventhough I'm not schooling I still have the heartto continue my education and don't think that I stay on these Earth just to eat and sleep..I do want to feel the hard life too.. Khaiy niari mit Ali and Omar..:) Dngan mai sedare..
P/S:I got a new friend called Ikaah..I had fun with you..:)
Somebody:Heyh tak tido?
Somebody:Kenape tak tido?Belum ngantuk ke?
Me:Uhuh..Blum nantuk..
Somebody:Dah makan?
Somebody:Sok free lepak uhh.
Me:Tak uh
Somebody:Lepak uhh soq je _____ bleh kua lain hari da kene kurung pat uma.
Me:Ngok dulu.
Somebody:Btw,can I ask u something?What thing that you always wanted but you never get?
Me:ahha..A big Elmo..
Me:Why ask?
Soebody:Just ask.And howto get an understanding girl?
Me:Hmm..You mustfirst understand yourself ,then understand the girl,be there for the girl when she needs help..lastly,winher heart..
Somebody:ohh.OK.thanks nora
Me:Your welcome..:)
RAWRA signing off..
Somethime I understand how guys feel
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Bonjour, pour ceux qui sont en fait la traduction de cette opération, vous êtes un idiot, haha, je plaisantais. Je dis juste que je veux mon bébé un mois Anniversaires heureuse premier. J'espère que notre reationship enfin et s'aiment toujours. Je vais vous donner mon amour autant que je pouvais et je vous assure que je ne cesserai jamais de t'aimer. Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime Je t'aime. Baby, aujourd'hui je vais vous rencontrer abit m late.I désolé. J'espère que vous comprenez et ne sont pas autorisés dans la colère. D'ailleurs, hier, j'ai passé du bon temps avec vous, hehe. Mon grippe n'ont pas encore disparu, et mon corps me sens si faible. Quoi qu'il en soit, c'est un cadeau pour vous, ce n'est pas seulement un horaire normal est un calendrier magique qui ne finira jamais notre relation. Ainsi, à sa fin. J'ai besoin de repos .. Hé bébé. Je t'aime, tu me manques, j'ai besoin de toi pour toujours, Muackz ..
If you dont understand what im posting about, please kindly translate it yourself. From french to english. Fyi, the translation is not accurate. Thank you very nice.
Heyh peplo!!Hmph,,today shortcut as usual..Meet Dewi at Commonwealth..First lepak at 103 Commonwealth Cresent then Alamak ,guess what Taufik,Nizam,Achik sumer ader so,we just duduk tepi..Taak kacau orang..Haha!Taufik make a tribute for Nasir pat Boys Home..Cute uhh tribute dhier ader sebut2 sepi,bunge sumer..Wawaw!Khay cut it short ..So,tibe2 ngah duduk then ader seekor budak kecyk Cine ni datang tibe2 tanye sal wallet dy yang hilang..Then khiter kesian punyer pashal so tolong jugaak cariqkn wallet yang hilang tuhh..Carm tak ikhlas seyhh..hehe..At last tak dapat jugak dah geram then khiter sumer sruh dhier cariq sendiri..Then saw Zul..Hhah!Zul step tak kenal me jerh den asked for number padahal dhier daa ader number aku..Hah~Makin hensem eyh mat kude kepang!Muke skit carm mai ex Remy..After that me and Dewi ghy makan at Swensens Holland..Kiter makan Pizza,Air,Fries, and Yugort..Naik Muak seyh!GRR!Hmph,Mat pat Swnsens ader bleh sempat ckp byr pat khit..Sejak biler doang punyer service campur cakap bye?Haha~Then,after finish eating,we went to garden to meet Kak Nana tuk something..After we meet her,we join her along..Join her along,then yang lin sumer join..Said,Miko and many more..I don't know that Kak Nana age is 25 siahh..Ingat dalam belasan..Ishk3!Tak sangke!Rabak!Tengah lpak then saw my enermies sumer..Satu group sehh..Hmph,Ein,Bear,Dice and Annann..Haah!Kalau iikiy ader da kene peluk dah..Hheeh!Kidding people..Especially to my sayang,bhy main2 jerh..Then,dorang jalan satsat..Waduhh kiter geram je..Especially,me,Dewi,Kakak Nana and Kakak Nani..Daa laa rambut AnnAnn macam sarang terbuan..GRR!Then AnnAnn,step calling2 member trun..Daa larh aku gan satu group..HEE~khite lebih ramai laa dei!10 lawan 4 ,4 lemah kalah laa....Bluekk!Khaiy,then lastly,time dorang nak balik Taufik bukuk lagu mamak!Trus Taufik cakap Mamak then Dice terase..Then,dier toleh tengok khite..Then ,after dorang balik khiter still lepak butdapa tawu Taufik nak mintak numbor aku..Abeh abang Al pekik..wawaw!Malu siakk aku..Abeh Taufik blush..Hmph,kesiandhier dari dulu intak numbor aku,aku tak kasi..Huakhuakhuak!sowiy laa..Then,I go home at 10pm..:)On the way home,nampak Jokim,then Jokim suruh me add Ahqim Cine at Tagged..Ahhaxx..
P/S:Taufik aku harap yng adek kau kuar cepat..Imiss his hand writing..HUAKHUAKHUAK!tak laa..I miss him for the past 5 mths plus..
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Love CommandHey peeps.. Read this!!Haha..I like this ..Sure2!Because I'm the one who did it mahh..Hmph,command tuk Zick-o..Well,I can't wait for Wednesday and Thursday..Sure fun!!Wee~Yup fun as it is going to me and my boi 1st Monthsary Anniversary..OyehOyehOyeh Hey!!OyehOyehOyeh Ho!haha,,Lols3!Huakhuakhuak!Hmph,I've bought something precious for him..A note from my heart..Cheyy kidding laarh..Actually a note from my "pantat"..Huhakhuakhuak!Hmph,soo,yesterday was bored yet funn.Hah..Nora what are you talking about?Readers don't understand what you are talking about right here..Let Nora explain to you,all peeps aites..Nora was bored at the afternoon yesterday but evening Nora slack at West Coast so Nora have FUN thatswhy i say liddat!Hmph,khaiy I start to slack at 7pm when toIMMthen slacked atWest Coastat 8:30pm..Heeh!~So basically slacked until mabok..Haa~Never drink laa.But mabok means tired to mhiee..Me lepak with my couzin ..Play sand like what..Baju semua kene pasir..WTH!!hees~Then we went home at around 1:30a.m..Lambat eyh..Ishk3! Nora2!Degil nahh anak Muhamad niey..Dah balik then boring soo I update this blog dengan command..Iyeah!Bluekk!:P
P/S:Zick=Thanks sayang for the update below..I appreciate it although it is not very long..I like it anyway.. Dewi=Sorry tak bley message kau pp8 aku low..Daniy snchez=Whatever laa kalau ko knal Bear Sat sat..Dice=Aku nampak kow gan Ann2 pat West Coast tadi..Nasib korang tak nampak aku..
Monday, June 21, 2010
Pieces of puzzle is being collected every single day till it becomes a complete puzzle. This piece of puzzle, isn't the exact piece that I collected yesteday. Every single day, is a different piece of puzzle that symbolises you. I'll be collecting a piece of you everyday and hopefully, by the end of the day, I will get a beautiful picture of you.....
TO zickWITHlove Lols..these mat betol2 berbual sal aku..Bukan prasan..But he knows the true for the reason that he said for the last 2 sentance..Haiyohh..I'm sorry laa..If I've hurt you..But what you said wasn't true at all..Shish!Hah!btw,when you hurt me on 06 February 2009,I craved my hand ..Still have the scar but did you realised the pain you put me through?Every night I cried in silence just for you..No one knows the pain..Everyone still though we are together..I still love you but what to do if you already hurt me soo badly now?It felt like you are stuffing 101` knife into my heart..I know you are having fun with a girl and me too..But it's just hard to forget you boy..I hope that GOD will one day prove you the bright side of love..And don't hurt her yahh..
today:: ii never when damn bored..shish..GRR!!Pat rumah tidur je larh kerje aku..MakanMinumTido!!Gemuk jugak aku nanti..Noranora!Bobal bayak..Tats whye laa I update blog skarang..Hmph,btwCHEHA SORIY TAK DAPAT KLUAR NARI SAL AKU DAA ARI2 KUA..naik boring!!Wee~sorii amek trademark ko..wahaxx!Bapak aku uhh tak kasi kua..SOOOOOORIII CHEHAA CUTE!Btw,sayang jangan jelous laa kalau I tarq post gambar kiter..I ngah pasrah niey..Cheyy fake!Hehexx!Currently,talking with mai guy..
I wonder how HE knows that I had a ______..That's why I called him someoe special..Waduhh~
Dewi ambek je laa Iyan jady pasangan setia..
Dier baik orangnyer!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hafiz..No matter how hard you tried to hurt me,your name is still craved in my heart and to me your someone special..No one could ever vanish your name away from my heart..Hmm,it's only the matter of time that break us apart..Well,I tresure what you have thought me all these while..To be strong..Now I did it but I felt hurt having to hurt you at first.It all has ended now..Well thanks for the love and I remembered that we first know each other on 22March2008..And our anniversary on06 April 2008..Now that I am strong I go on with Love Picture taken at Marina Barrage
Been there done that..
This few days I've been busy..Hmm not busy with my friends now but with my guy..He sort of want to meet me every single day..&& that's what makes me tired..but its okhaiy if it is for him..Huak3!Btw,looking forward to go to Powerhouse on 24th June 2010..Khaiy need some confession now..To someone that he know for himself..Khaiy truthfully what he does that he don't realised really make me heartache..I am jealous..
::You were love of my life::
::Might suppose to be with you::
::You were my Moon ad my sky::
::Wasn't it enough for you::
::My love::
::I still love you::
Shortcut for today:Went to Choa Chu Kang,saw Sam and Apit..Hmph,then me and Chiqa went too Teck Whye ..We ate at Mac den we lepak ..:>Then ,actualy ii should wait for Omar & Rudy to go to Vivocity but they worked overtime soo too bad ..I went to meet my guy and Sham..I love being ATTACHED..orite??get it??GRR!Khaiy thats all..Thata!
Nak ghy Powerhouse ke Zirca??Think2..wawawaw!Who want to follow??
Monday, June 14, 2010
2 days a Night
Its been 2 days a Night that I and my cousin
slept at Tanjung Pinang after going
to the Azzura on 11 JUNE 2010..
Hm,I had a marvelous time at my mom's house and
I wish to shop there again beacause it is soo damn cheap..
Azzura:We reached there at 08:00pm..
We waited for it to start at around 08:30pm..
Then danced..Saw a lot of my friends..I saw Fahmy,Yussof,Yunus,Iikiy,Aan,Dice,Erica,Linsa,MiraBELLA,
Ayushortie,Cheha,Ninicyer,Myra,Kid,Ein,Bear and many more..
Danced at the podium with Cheha,Linsa,Ayushortie,MyraMiraBELLA,Erica..
On the first day,,I reached there at 7.30 pm SG Time..
We went to shopping first at Ramayana..We didn't took anny picture there..
Then we went home to sleep..
On the Secod day,We went to shop at soo called their Town,
den go dye hair ad eat at KFC..:)
On the Third day,Go home laa..
Khaixx tata..Miss you all!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
These few days,I saw my boyfriend's clone..A lot..Hmph,just now saw him at Mac cafe' at Marina Square when I was ordering my food..Haiyo..You see for yourself in this photo..It isn't him but looks the same..kikiki!I damn thought its him..At the Mac lagi..Naseb baik belum tegur!Grr!Thats all..
SURGE "This Time, Its For Pride "
Featuring Singapore’s First Casino Themed Party Held outdoor on the luscious sandy beaches of Sentosa Island Surrounded by a whole new warehouse grunge-like set up of Moving Lasers, Headlights, Par-cans, LED Lights, and of course our all time favorite, THE SMOKE MACHINE!!~
This 11th June 2010, SURGE II Will also present
Singapore’s First Ever Poker Tournament between Aaron Hector Chew VS Andrew Yeo
Following the online feud/quarrel/bitchfight that these 02 boys have been up to for the past 02 weeks, Aaron Chew and Andrew Yeo have been up against each other non-stop, fighting and bitching about The social circles, backgrounds, education they come from
Dragging in *Singapore’s Top Blogger, Tammy Tay of OHSOFICKLE fame
*Collette Claire Miles, SMOOVE TV’s newly appointed host and Singapore’s youngest model to have just walked down the walkway with International Top Model, Juanita Simons
*Ms Annabel Tan, of Ms Singapore Universe 2010 fame and Female’s Most Gorgeous Woman
*Ms Yan Kay Kay, Singapore’s top model and sassiest host alive
*Mister Sheikh Haikel, Asia’s Godfather of Hip Hop, our answer to the Hoods
And of course, all the past guest hosts, celebrities, charming partners, girls and boys SMOOVE has worked with since 2006 It is ONE event where everyone has taken her/his side
Come witness the biggest Texas Holdem Showdown of the century and come dress either in
BLACK (supporting Andrew Yeo. Everyone’s boy next door, mischievous, loves heavy metals, bad ass attitude with a good heart)
Or WHITE (Supporting Aaron Chew. Everyone’s prince charming. Rich, Popular, Fiercely Arrogant, Gentleman)
Come dressed in either Black or White to show your support, show your love and fight for what you believe in There will be NO MERCY. NO COMPASSION and definitely NO SYMPATHY.
SMOOVE also presents for the first time in Singapore An International German DJ specially flown in for the largest outdoor Summer party of 2010
DJ HOUSEMEISTER Belonging to the New Berlin Era of Germany, Housemeister brings to Singapore his very own Eclectic mix of Electropop, Dance Music, Trance and Techno Having rocked up parts of Australia and Asia Pacific recently Housemeister is known for his stage antics, his wicked beats, and his larger than life rebellious personality
Come catch DJ Housemeister in action from midnight to 230am at the only SUMMER PARTY of 2010
Most importantly, SMOOVETV will bring to us a live broadcast of the OPENING MATCH WORLD CUP 2010 LIVE FROM SOUTH AFRICA to SILOSO BEACH SENTOSA
GIRLS AND BOYS, LET’S CELEBRATE SMOOVE will also present for the first time An impressive DJ, Music and Entertainment Line up for the epic summer party of 2010.We have ......
*Stellastory, a 5 piece rock boy band, with their washboard abs
*DJ Tok, a resident at all of SMOOVE’s events
*Featuring the Model DJ Collette Claire Miles with her pink headphones, spinning on the decks
*HOUSEMEISTER, the maestro/master of electro
But most importantly this is SMOOVE’S FIRST EVER SOFT LAUNCH PARTY OF 2010
So join us for a smashing helluva good time of 10 hours of nonstop music and partying
Ticketing Details:
Tickets are priced at SGD25.00 each Ticket includes 01 drink, Entry into partyvenue, access to pretty girls and hot boys, pure adrenaline rush and a shot at love Please note that ticket does not include entry into Sentosa
- This is a rain or shine event - Locker service will be provided but you are advised to dress light - Individual video recording is not allowed on SURGE II premises - For those above 18 who wish to purchase alcoholic drinks, there is a special clearly marked 18 and above are that has a bar serving standard spirits and housepours. ID (NRIC or Passport) check for entry into this area is mandatory.
I'm sorry if I can't message you..
I'm sorry because I never told you about it..
I'm missing you soo damn much..
I hope you understand..
Now,I need rest at home..
Sunday, June 6, 2010
My PastRemyKechyk(Ex) And Kidd Ahpiz Seow,Shafi'e,AidilCina,Fariq,Fadhil,AhinSotSot
Tyme dengan Hafiz Me and DANY ;kwn b0i T$M..
SiSTAR;gelang samer..Jiwer
Dewi dengan Apit Seow..
Ahpiz Seow & me..Da ex.. We lasted for 1year8mths.. Picture taken at East Coast Park..
iikiy speedo lakko! ex tercinte..
cheyy fake! Teringat time dier gaduh pat maya..
My ex Izad..
Nie pat henderson waves..
Dua2 sedare aku.. AdeqOrite gan Ahyul ..
Kekek uhq dorg when I used to
stay at Telok Blangah..
Dorg laa penyamun yang buat aku ketawe..
Tempat lepak pat West Coast!!Sekarang da tak.. Petang sunyi ,malam macam hantu
My beloved anak sedare.. Hamidah.. I mish her..!
Use to be friend now, more .. Bear &Ein
Up till today..
Up till today ,3 person have hurt me & I've hurt one person soo badly..
Khaiy ,I don't want to mention names but I know that they have hurt me soo damn much..In and out..Khaiy,hope you guys know for yourself laa..I'm tired of you all..Hmph,khaiy today,I was damn bored at home doing just about nothink..~sheesh..Then,I went out with Zick to West Coast Park..We took picture swith kites..But the picture turn out to be dark..It was damn sweet till one part,my bestfriend saw me with him,holding each other hands..I only noticed him when he pour a bottle of drink to the ground..I was damn cock up..GRR!Then he started messaging me just after like 10 minutes....He told me he saw me and yada3!But he said it in a rudely manner..I don't like it..Same goes to a girl..______..Hee!I just don't like to mention people names..Soo,I apologised to my bestfriend but he said it's ok,but it hurts a lot..Overall,FUN!
&&,I miss my past..My past was also full of,having to remember about my past I cried somethimes..I had misery but fun times too..The part where I broke of with someone or break a friendship really hurt a lot..As you know,NORA is a type of person whom is soft-hearted..-hee-
If you love somebody,could it be this strong..I really wish to spend all my time with my new boyfriend aites..Dear,I'm gonna love you till forever!
I really hope that you don't fool me around..
p/s:I haven't trust you fully dear..
To someone:I'm very disappointed in you girl..
Me:Anithink,im sorry if I hurt you..:(
Shahid:Nvm..its hurt alot..
Me:Ok..gud nite..
Shahid:Eh,btw,your mataiy ade bobal abot me?
Me:Ade pasal "jantan"tadi..
Shahid:Ape dy nak? Me:Tak d pape..nites
Shahid:Khaiy uhq.tcre..bye
___________________________________________ promise you my heart♥ ♥I promise you my life♥ ♥I promise we'll never be apart♥ ♥I promise not to hurt you♥ ♥I promise to never make you cry♥ ♥I promise to always trust you♥ ♥I promise not to lie♥ ♥I promise you forever♥ ♥I promise you tonight♥ ♥I promise you my respect♥ ♥I promise to do things right♥ ♥I promise to always be there♥ ♥I promise until the end♥ ♥I promise to always love you♥ ♥I promise to be your best friend♥ ♥I promise you my love♥ ♥I promise you my life♥ ♥I promise this forever♥ ♥I promise our friendship is my life♥ ♥your the M to my M,♥ ♥your the MILKY to my WAY,♥ ♥your the FRUIT to my LOOP,♥ ♥your the MILK to my DUDS,♥ ♥your the ICE to my CREAM,♥ but mostly.... ♥your the BOY to my FRIEND♥
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I promise to be with you ..
I promise not to lie to you..
I promise tolove you..
I promise not to hurt you..
I promise to always TRUST you..
I promise to always be there for you..
I promise to always be there..
I promise to be your bestest girlfriend..
I promise these forever..
Your the peanut,I'm the butter..
your the star to my burst..
your the pop to the tart..
your the lucky to my charm..
your the ice to my cream..
but mostly,your the best of my boyfriend..
P/s:I love you Muhd Ameer Dzikri..
Friday, June 4, 2010
A DAY WITH YOU Friday Friday[Ann,Iyan Kake,Wan L,Zick-o && me..] Friday
Yesterday when to Lavender to do mai passport den when to town with mai cuzzie and sister!
Had a lot of fun with them..
Daa lamer taw tak kluar gan mai sister..
When to Town again then too Grandlink with mai boyfy..Hmph,firstly reached then we walk2 around Ion..Den we when to Orchard Central..Odw,to Orchard central ader MAK SALEH ni ng bwk camera den dier suruh amek gambar.."Sir can you take our picture?"Zick cakap..
Apo jer!Isk;;carm tak tahu malu sehh..u....u....Den pat Orchard Central chillout...Angin dhier cooling..Den decided to go to karaoke at Grandlink..Lagi satu orang join..haha..Wan..Pat Grandlink dy yang paling bising..WTF!wagagah!Pretty Fun..Until when going home part,Wan ;my bofy fwen,carm budak giler pat dalam MRT..Orang sumer tgk dhier!Malam chat gan mai boy tapi part dhier blang yang tagged dhier dulu ader orang arab nak uat kawan,darah menyirap jerhh..haixx! P/S:Cheha asal aku contact kow tak dapat semalam??sedih seh aku..Kalaw aku buat salah,aku mintak beribu2 maaf sehh..
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
CHEHA.ERICA.RAWRA Yesterday when to Grandlink with Cheha,Erica,AyuShortie,Farah,Linsa,Spadey and many more..Best3!Tapi Ayu and Erica alek siang..Den after karaoke saw Shafa..Alamak asal lahh nampak dhier ..Isk!My long lost enermy sioll!wagagah!I loike this pix!Then Spadey kacau akuhh caRm pantats uhh dhier..The worse part is that dhier cakap "Kau ader mataiy?" "Carm ne kaw lehh dapat mataiy..""hahaha".. That all for yesterday.. Today, Hope to go THEMOON on Friday.. Hahah! Actually nak ghi karaoke gan Dewi .. Tapy see laa how first.. Clubbing lagi gerek per! Wagagah! Hmph,to pun kalau ader IC.. And I want to go Azzura too on 11 JUNE 2010.. So today basically when out with Shahid @7.30pm.. Sorie sayang I lied to you.. I felt really2 guilty towards you.. So when to west coast park..Chillout.. Angin over there sedaap.. Khaiy LAME!weeee! Korang jangan pikir bukan2.. Me and him just bestfriend.. Umur dhier aru 14 this year! now,currently,I'm tagging,chatting n blogging.. weeee!Khaiy && good that KecikAstro dah taw akuh attched gan Zick-o.. Btw,dear,KecikAstr0 kirimsalam ayang.. To Nani Sanchi:I'm not going to message non-oldfwenn if I'm attached..
I hope that I will be with you forever..
KecikAstro suruh I lastlong gan you..
I da promise pat dhier and you too!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
These is my most hated day.
This is my second post of the day seyh!
Hmph,I couldn't get any rest at all larhh..
Siann ryte?
I noe..
Insomnia larhh..
I missing hym damn lots..
Dear,I wishh you were by my side ryte now..
I felt like crying when I miss you..
Of yeah..
&&,today I will be going for interview for dipolma at Dhoby Ghaut..
Hopefully,I will get laa..Hais..
Pathetic me!
After that,maybe I will be following Cheha to grandlink..
If not then I will be lepaking lorr..
Well,right now I m jelous over somebody..
I need someone's opinian please..
What will you do if you are attached and someone still love you?
I need that answer for myself..
I know that most probably the answer will be leave the one that doesn't love me..
Therefore it's quite hard to judge people nowadays..
Trust is the keypoint..
Btw,I miss my past school friends..
Hope that they did well for their examinations!
Feeling quite letargic ryte now..
K yourGIRLbustard is signing off..
sorry uhh iikiy aku amek trademark kow..
Away from the keyboard!!
Heyh heyh heyh.. Yesterday when out with my boyfy.. We went to East Coast Park.. But sadly it rain..Walao.. Khaiy let mhiee tell you the story.. {I want never2 break your heart} no more.. Firstly meet him at Commonwealth MRT Station.. Then we took bus 196 to EAST COAST.. Damn lambat.. hahah!memancehh nak mampos! GRR! geraam taow..Den dier kiyut sehh complain2.. Ayng2,jgn laa complain2 ntii jadi complain kid carm bhy daa susahh.. Hmph.. Den da pat dlm bus odw, Daa lamer takpe hujan pulaak tuhh! wtf!! khaiy soo basically kiter cariq tempat teduhh tapi2 tak dapat soo we go mamam ulu.. Pat macdonald.. Daa kenyang..Burp! hehekzz! Kite ambek je payung yang lying pat tepi den we cariq shelter.. Da dapat shelter tapi dy gatal nak jalan.. Last2 end up dodok bawah block carm budak bodoh.. Den kiter ghy Causeway jalan2 sekejap! Then I went home crying.. Im scared and I'm worried to myself.. I've been wondering ,pondering muchmuch too.. Hope nothing will happen.. Sobsob** youR the ONE por mhiee! I will never let you get rid of my heart.. ineedy0uhzick-o! Im slipy right now..
Nora Fidora love Muhamad Noh Rasyid.We are happily together since 100811'.I ♥ him so much and I hope that he will always be mine..
I want to love him ike drug..Bay, i SAYANG youhh..heh!<3 The first day I saw him ,I fell in ♥ already..Pfft..